There are many business owners and general digital marketing professionals who can deal with the day-to-day management of their own SEO.
Even at the business level, you may have web developers, content creators, and others taking care of tasks that support your SEO program.
However, there are some situations that require the solution of an experienced SEO expert.
If you try to deal with bigger problems on your own, there can be too much frustration and loss of income.
So how do you know when a situation requires the intervention of an experienced professional?
Here are five times when you should absolutely hire SEO.
1. Google Search Isn’t Indexing Your Website Or Pages

Troubleshooting why your site is missing from Google search results is best done by a professional.
An experienced SEO will not waste time and will know what to look for.
This may be a simple control that does not allow Google to search your site, or a more complex issue with your site structure or URL parameters.
It is possible that your content is plagiarized or that Google thinks it is too similar to another page on your site.
There are many different reasons and an SEO expert can help you solve the problem and make sure your site is indexed and visible on Google.
2. During A Site Migration Or Redesign

Every time there are major changes in the website domain, CMS platform, layout layout, navigation, URL structure, etc., risks are involved.
Blindly putting your site in the hands of a great web designer is not a good idea.
As a business owner, you should understand how changes to your site can affect your organic search traffic.
For a complete breakdown of the different needs and technical requirements, you will want to consult with an SEO expert who takes care of site migration.
SEO can help you create a risk reduction plan, help manage migration, and track traffic anomalies after relocation.
3. When Organic Traffic Drops

If you notice that your traffic from Google Search is declining, would you know what to do?
A drop in website traffic can happen for several reasons and most of them can be reversed.
How to fix this is not always easy, so hiring an SEO consultant is a good idea.
It could be a reporting error or seasonal trends, an algorithmic change affecting the site-level site, or a technical issue such as a manual action affecting the site.
A professional SEO will be able to review your search traffic trends and find out what is the most likely cause of your traffic loss, and provide a clear path to correcting the decline.
4. To Reverse A Manual Action

If you suspect that the organic decline in traffic is due to manual action, the first step will be to discover the type of manual action and which sides are affected.
Before submitting for review, you must resolve any issues on all affected pages.
The review review will explain the exact quality issues on your site, the efforts and steps you have taken to address them, and document the results of your efforts.
It must provide Google with a well-intentioned assurance that this will no longer happen, that you have turned a corner, and that you will not continue to send spam to the Internet.
All of this needs to be handled with care and someone with experience in manual handling.
5. Not Getting Results From SEO Strategy

You may have worked with a younger SEO or a well-known SEO agency and not see the results you expected or needed from your organic channel marketing efforts.
Maybe your SEO strategy worked very well and you were too busy to devote the time needed for the smooth running of the main machine.
You may have been involved in DIY SEO and no longer enjoy it.
Whatever the reason, if you’re not happy with your current organic strategy, it’s time to hire SEO.
Listen to your intuition, free up mental space, and continue to engage with other aspects of your business that evoke joy.
Choosing An SEO
I’ve been working in search marketing for over a decade and during that time I’ve seen long-term marketers share bad advice and newbies really good advice.
I’ve seen people quickly gain in popularity and know some who prefer to fly under the radar.
So this list will not include years of practice or contain references to popularity measurements.
These six tips, however, will help you choose the SEO that best matches your business goals.
1. Clear Communication
Communication is number one. You need to understand what your SEO recommends, how it will be implemented and how the results will be monitored.
Ask for clarification if you do not understand something.
After all, it’s your business after all, so it’s in your best interest to know exactly how the marketer intends to help you.
Google warns that misleading or misleading tactics, such as pages on the door or “discarded” domains, can cause your site to be removed from the Google index.
There is a level of comfort and lightness that you feel when you know someone has your best interests in mind.
Red flags will appear when you feel like “just a number” and move forward quickly without any explanation.
2. Strategy Aligns With Your Business Goals
Be prepared to pay in advance for an SEO audit so that the strategy can be tailored to your business goals.
Before you sign a contract or agree to work with someone, you need to make sure that their idea is in line with your own idea for your business.
While it is true that marketers cannot promise or otherwise guarantee results, they can align their strategy and goals with what you define as victory.
Let’s say you hire SEO because the potential customers your site is currently generating are no good.
If the SEO you’re chatting with with Google Search Console ratings clicks and says, “Hey, you can increase traffic by 300% if you move this keyword from position seven to position three!” – this is not a good match.
You don’t want to increase traffic to sites that generate poor quality potential customers.
If the SEO you are chatting with intends to start a conversation with your sales team to define a good keyword strategy, you now have someone who listens to the needs of your business and helps you achieve your goals.
3. Knowledge Of SEO
There are many different specialties within the general term search engine optimization.
For example, if you are going through a site migration, you will be looking for SEO with a technical skill set.
If you’ve been ranked well and lost traffic, you’ll want someone who has a good understanding of organic content strategy to regain your keyword rankings.
Maybe your site is technically good and you have content that converts well, but now you’re looking for someone with PR snippets to get more backlinks.
As with creating an application, the developer must be able to encode in that language. The SEO you hire needs to know the type of SEO your site needs.
4. Cost Of Service
Before you start looking, it’s important to set a marketing budget where you can’t reasonably expect results in the next six to 12 months.
The cost of SEO services varies greatly depending on the type of service, provider and plan.
In 2022, SEO packages are not as common as the monthly delay.
For local SEO, the price range is between $ 300 and $ 1,500 per month, while national or international restraints drop between $ 5,000 and $ 10,000 per month.
Hourly rates for SEO consultants range from $ 75 to $ 1,500 per hour.
5. Expectations
When you hire SEO, check your expectations.
A 2017 study tracked the position of keywords on 2 million pages in one year.
After one year, only 5.7% of all pages surveyed ranked in the top 10 search results for at least one keyword.
Proof that SEO is a long distance game.
It took two to six months for the “happy pages” to come to the forefront.
In fact, I shouldn’t call these sites “happy” because SEO probably worked in the background.
6. Ask For References
Even if SEO shares amazing results on social media, whether referred by a friend or has excellent case studies – ask for references.
Just like you would when hiring an employee.
When checking references, ask questions to see if the SEO guidelines have been helpful and sustainable.
A sign of good SEO is their ability to integrate optimization processes into their overall business.
You will ensure that the SEO expert focuses on long-term victories and not just quick fixes.
Questions To Ask When Hiring An SEO
When you hire SEO, questions like, “How are you going to improve my site?” Aren’t helpful because they may have a different idea of what it means to “improve” than you do.
Try asking your questions in a way that gives you a better idea of whether their processes are aligned with your business goals.
Here are seven questions to ask yourself when hiring SEO:
Final Thoughts
Many SEO best practices can be addressed in a company once you have established basic SEO skills and processes.
However, there are situations when it is better to hire a professional SEO – for example, moving the site or eliminating the drop in organic traffic.
Remember to ask questions during the hiring process to help you find SEO that is aligned with your marketing goals.
Selected image: insta_photos / Shutterstock
Will SEO exist in 5 years?
SEO will not be eliminated in the next five years because social media and search engines are more than likely to merge. Facebook has already started doing this: on average, it conducts more than 1.5 billion searches every day. Twitter did the same; they have joined in partnership with Google.
Is SEO important in 2022? Search engine optimization (SEO) is the key to successful digital marketing strategies. SEO can help your site rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs), allowing for greater visibility and organic search traffic.
How long will SEO last?
SEO should show results in a 6 to 12 month period. By results, we mean a measurable increase in traffic and related leads or conversions.
How long should you do SEO?
The short answer is between 4-12 months. The longer answer is related to all those factors we discussed that are related to your SEO strategy. If you target keywords with low competition, you can start seeing results in 4-6 months.
Is SEO still relevant in 2021?
So is SEO still a good investment in 2021 and beyond ?! Short answer: YES! SEO is more important than ever! It is still one of the strongest digital marketing strategies that delivers long-term results.
Does SEO last forever?
On average, you can expect to see results in 3-6 months, although there is no guarantee. ”But keep in mind that SEO is never really done – and you shouldn’t simply” pull the plug “in 3-6-12 . As many surveyed experts agree, SEO is an ongoing process that needs to be constantly improved.
Does SEO have a future?
The future of SEO in 2022 also includes the creation of evergreen content. Content is a critical component if you want to succeed with SEO in 2022. If you don’t create content, you won’t have anything to rank in the search results. If you want your content to rank in search results, you need to optimize it for search engines.
Is SEO still relevant in 2022?
SEO will continue to be an important part of digital marketing in 2022.
Is SEO a good career?
‘Yes. SEO is a good career choice as it is among the most sought after professions in the field of digital marketing. There are several organizations around the world that hire SEO experts to create better content and thus create more business leads.
Will SEO become obsolete?
As long as there are search engine results pages, SEO will never become obsolete. As long as the algorithm continues to search our sites, they will always need SEO experts. Organic search will always be a channel that can provide tremendous value to any business.
Is Learning SEO worth it?
The short answer is that SEO is very effective – not only for generating traffic, but also for potential customers and sales. Do not worry. A long answer involves research and data, not just empty statements. Most SEOs are too caught up in search-specific metrics such as SERP (search engine results page), rankings, and organic traffic.
Is SEO hard to learn? SEO is not that hard to learn. All you need to do is be willing to devote the necessary time and effort to learning different SEO concepts. If you are just starting out with SEO and are wondering what it takes to become a beginner to an expert, then this post is for you.
Is SEO still worth it in 2021?
So is SEO still a good investment in 2021 and beyond ?! Short answer: YES! SEO is more important than ever! It is still one of the strongest digital marketing strategies that delivers long-term results.
How SEO will change in 2021?
4. Experience with desktop pages (UX-Driven SEO) and core online vital values. In 2021, Google gradually introduced a site experience algorithm. This algorithm update consists of several user experience signals, such as basic website information, that essentially evaluates the overall website experience.
Is SEO worth it 2022?
Yes, SEO is worth it – in 2022, in the future, in the past and always. As long as there are websites and search engines, SEO is a must. SEO will probably be very different from SEO today in 10 years, but you will always need to make sure that your site sends the right signals to search engines so that they can find you.
How long does SEO take to Work 2021?
Many SEO companies will tell you that it takes 4 to 6 months to start seeing results. This is generally true, but keep in mind that this is when you start to see results, and SEO results grow over time. Regardless of the results you get at 6 months, they should be significantly less than the ones you get at 12 months.
Does SEO have a future?
The future of SEO in 2022 also includes the creation of evergreen content. Content is a critical component if you want to succeed with SEO in 2022. If you don’t create content, you won’t have anything to rank in the search results. If you want your content to rank in search results, you need to optimize it for search engines.
Is SEO a waste of money?
SEO is not dead. This is not a waste of money if and when done correctly. On the other hand, the grass is not greener; it is greener where it has been watered. If you take care of your website, it will take care of you too!
Is SEO worth the money?
SEO is worth it if you have the right strategy in place and are working with a partner who knows how to achieve results. About 93% of the online experience starts with a search engine, and the closing rate of potential SEO clients is much higher than with traditional marketing. So SEO provides an impressive return on investment (ROI).
Can you still make money with SEO?
The simple answer is that SEO can be a great way to make a decent living, and if you have the skills to expand your SEO practice, the sky is the limit. Nowadays, there are many ways to make money online: from creating an e-commerce website to creating a blog to promote products and services.
Is SEO worth it in 2022?
Local SEO will succeed in search results: Local SEO will be effective in online marketing in 2022 and even if the pandemic disappears, studies and research show that people prefer to work and study at home and are likely to do so after the pandemic.
Is SEO worth it in 2022?
Local SEO will succeed in search results: Local SEO will be effective in online marketing in 2022 and even if the pandemic disappears, studies and research show that people prefer to work and study at home and are likely to do so after the pandemic.
Is SEO still relevant in 2022?
SEO will continue to be an important part of digital marketing in 2022.
How SEO will change in 2022?
By 2022, expect SEO rankings to be more competitive by providing high-quality content to help Internet users. Content that tries to gain its audience just by connecting unnecessary resources will not be as effective as it is today.
Why is SEO hard?
In summary, SEO is tricky because search engines are always changing and updating. It could be anything from Google changing its view on a particular type of link, including a new major update to their algorithm, or even recognizing something new as a ranking factor.
Why are people afraid of SEO? Fears that SEO is too complex, technical, tricky, and involves possible penalties are common misconceptions that people who are new to SEO have. When you learn more about SEO yourself, you will become more comfortable and confident in implementing your own strategy or working closely with the agency.
Why is SEO so complicated?
SEO is in itself a complex discipline. It brings together a large number of tools, best practices that are evolving from time to time, and constantly adapting to Google updates. The main reason for the complexity we are currently experiencing is a number of changes to Google’s algorithms, such as: Wide-core algorithm updates.
What is the hardest part of SEO?
Finding trusted information For those just starting to explore the world of SEO, finding one of the most difficult parts of SEO can be finding high quality sources of information.
Why SEO is a waste of time?
Focusing on SEO to increase traffic at the expense of building real relationships with your audience is a waste of time. Worse, you never know what SEO mistakes you are making unless you acquire some basic SEO skills. You may be penalized for filling in keywords or creating bad backlinks.
How difficult is SEO?
SEO in One Day SEO is simply not as difficult as people pretend it is; you can get 95% effort with 5% work and for that you absolutely don’t have to hire a professional SEO, nor will it be hard to start ranking for well-chosen key terms.
Is SEO worth learning in 2021?
So is SEO still a good investment in 2021 and beyond ?! Short answer: YES! SEO is more important than ever! It is still one of the strongest digital marketing strategies that delivers long-term results.
How long does it take to learn SEO?
If you can learn SEO for a few hours every day, then you can master the basics of SEO in 4-8 weeks and get your first SEO job in 3-6 months. If you can learn SEO full time, then you can master the basics in 1-2 weeks.
Is Learning SEO difficult?
Learning SEO is difficult because you need to read a lot of information about search engines and how the optimization process works, and this can be huge at first.
What is the hardest part of SEO?
Finding trusted information For those just starting to explore the world of SEO, finding one of the most difficult parts of SEO can be finding high quality sources of information.
What part of SEO do you like the most?
The 11 most important parts of SEO that you need to do right
- Your audience and industry. Your primary industry and its audience should come first for any successful SEO strategy. …
- Keyword research. …
- User intention. …
- Analytics and reporting. …
- Mobile SEO. …
- crawling. …
- Indexing. …
- Technical SEO.
What are 3 main areas of SEO?
We have covered three basic parts of SEO: Technical SEO, SEO content / relevance and SEO promotion / authority.
Is it difficult to be SEO?
SEO just isn’t as difficult as people pretend it is; you can get 95% effort with 5% work and for that you absolutely don’t have to hire a professional SEO, nor will it be hard to start ranking for well-chosen key terms.
Is SEO a good career?
‘Yes. SEO is a good career choice as it is among the most sought after professions in the field of digital marketing. There are several organizations around the world that hire SEO experts to create better content and thus create more business leads.
Is SEO a high paying job? The average salary of SEO per hour is about 250 INR, which is about 4.50,000 per year. More experienced professionals can earn INR 11,000,000 per year. Newcomers can expect 2.75,000 per year.
Is SEO a waste of money?
SEO is not dead. This is not a waste of money if and when done correctly. On the other hand, the grass is not greener; it is greener where it has been watered. If you take care of your website, it will take care of you too!
Is SEO worth it in 2022?
Local SEO will succeed in search results: Local SEO will be effective in online marketing in 2022 and even if the pandemic disappears, studies and research show that people prefer to work and study at home and are likely to do so after the pandemic.
Is SEO still relevant in 2021?
So is SEO still a good investment in 2021 and beyond ?! Short answer: YES! SEO is more important than ever! It is still one of the strongest digital marketing strategies that delivers long-term results.
Can you still make money with SEO?
The simple answer is that SEO can be a great way to make a decent living, and if you have the skills to expand your SEO practice, the sky is the limit. Nowadays, there are many ways to make money online: from creating an e-commerce website to creating a blog to promote products and services.
Is SEO worth the money?
SEO is worth it if you have the right strategy in place and are working with a partner who knows how to achieve results. About 93% of the online experience starts with a search engine, and the closing rate of potential SEO clients is much higher than with traditional marketing. So SEO provides an impressive return on investment (ROI).
Is a career in SEO good?
Yes, SEO is a good career in 2022 because it gives you access to a variety of opportunities. You can work in a company, receive customers, and even start and develop websites that you own. In addition, the three most popular sites,, and, are also the largest search engines.
Is SEO writing a good career?
This is a simple fact: SEO writers are in high demand. Writers who know SEO best practices usually have a waiting list of clients who are patiently waiting for their services because they understand the importance of SEO writing.
Is SEO a long term career?
No, that’s not true. SEO is a vast field and techniques and strategies are constantly changing. You need to keep adapting to this and keep upgrading. In addition, the domain in which you work changes your task and most of the time you learn new ways to SEO.