One of the first questions many companies have about local SEO is: do I really need it?
And I understand. You’re busy – your time, budget and energy are precious resources.
Do you really need something else to keep up?
If you want to attract in-store traffic, online or phone orders, appointment bookings, clinic visits, or other businesses from local consumers, the answer is definitely YES!
Who Benefits From Local SEO And Why?

All types of businesses that interact and serve customers in a specific region can benefit from Local SEO.
This includes retail stores, service companies, restaurants and hotels, hospitals, banks, construction companies, and more.
Lawyers And Law Firms
One of the biggest benefits of local SEO for these customers is that Google displays the link button directly on local mobile search results.
So when a potential client pulls out their phone and searches for [(type of) attorney], they will see results targeting their specific location.
When properly done, Local SEO will move the lawyer to the top of the search results for that location, with the “call us” button being the dominant call to action.
The reason why this is such a huge benefit is because anyone who has had an accident or has any other problem will be on the phone trying to find lawyers offering free consultations.
This one way offers a way to reach consumers exactly when they need an attorney.
Doctors And Medical Practices
When someone is looking for a medical professional, they will often be looking for [a doctor near me] or [a doctor near me].
Most people don’t want to get out of the way or travel several hours to see a doctor. They want a nearby doctor who can visit them regularly.
If you reference the screenshot below using the search [doctors near me], there are several benefits to this big local package result.
Screenshot from [doctors near me] search, Google, August 2018
This local result includes the physician’s name in advance, along with an immediate “directions link” that launches the map app on the user’s phone.
When it comes to doctors, people are more convenient to call to make an appointment and are most likely looking for an easy way to find directions to a doctor’s office.
When someone has a plumbing related breakdown, does it go directly to the store?
No, they usually google [plumber near me].
Google search results provide an easy way to contact a plumber directly, read reviews, and instantly access local plumbers in the event of such an emergency.
Who Won’t Benefit From Local SEO?

While we’d like everyone to benefit from local SEO and sell these services to more clients as SEO professionals, the reality is that some companies are simply not suited to local SEO efforts.
Businesses like online-only ecommerce stores, businesses that don’t want to share their local information, and private online sellers that want to keep their information private are likely not good candidates for local SEO services.
Local Search Still Needs Organic SEO

Local search rankings appear on Google as a mapping package, but your site’s organic ranking is also an important factor. This helps Google understand your overall position, which is one of the three main categories of local ranking signals.
SEO tricks and tactics are long gone and search has evolved exponentially.
These days, signals about user experience, EAT, high-quality content, high-quality links, and much higher-quality UX reign supreme in the game.
But make no mistake: there are still locally improved SEO factors you need to improve, including:
By focusing locally, many of the standard organic SEO methods may change slightly compared to the more traditional methods used for ranking.
Local Search Can Be Voice Search, Too

Now that people have more access to devices like smartphones, Amazon Echo, and Google Home, voice search has become the preferred way for many to find local information.
Most people find it easier to say “find a doctor near me” or “find a plumber near me” than to write.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the number of local queries based on conversational voice search has increased.
If your industry is service-oriented, try keyword variations that contain questions.
Semrush’s topic research tool, and AnswerThePublic, provide ways to find out the questions people are looking for, along with the number of searches.
This is a great way to target local keywords.
If your industry is a local brick-and-mortar service business such as a restaurant, lawyer, or attorney, try out keyword variations with a conversational tone and focus.
You may be surprised at the number of searches you can achieve by doing keyword research in this way.
Local Search Is Mobile Search

We know that a significant amount of local searches are done on local devices and mobile friendliness is a Google ranking factor.
What do these facts and the mobile-first index mean for your local SEO strategy?
Google has done the work of optimizing the mapping package listings for mobile search engines. But it’s up to you to create a user-friendly and comfortable environment for your website – and make sure Google understands this with good technical SEO.
Roger Montti of the Search Engine Journal gives an overview of what this entails in “7 Ways The Mobile-First Index Affects SEO,” part of SEJ’s free Advanced Tech SEO guide.
Local SEO Needs A Dedicated Strategy
But that doesn’t mean it has to take much longer.
In the next chapter, you’ll find a nine-step checklist to guide your new or improved local SEO strategy.
Next, we’ll look at its various aspects, and you’ll find expert advice and tools to bring it all together.
Download the full guide for free here.
Recommended image: Paulo Bobita / Search Journal
Comment référencer son site sur Google ?
Il Existe deux façons d’afficher votre site Internet en haut de Google: En creant des publicité Google Ads (paid reference or SEM for search engine marketing).
Comment bien référencer son blog sur Google? Afin que votre blog soit plus facile à trouver sur les moteurs de recherche comme Google et Bing, vous pouvez: repertorier votre blog sur les moteurs de recherche; utiliser des mots clés dans l’ensemble de votre site afin queiciei-ci soit affiché plus haut dans les résultats de recherche.
Comment référencer un site internet sur Google ?
Bien reférencer un site dans Google: 20 astuces
- Choisir les bons mots-clés.
- Optimiser les balises h1, alt, etc et utiliser un sitemap.
- Soigner les contenus.
- Faire vivre son.
- Développer son mailage interne et ses backlinks.
- Maximiser le temps de charge.
- Choisir un hébergement adapté
Comment référencer un site web sur Internet ?
Pour bien referencer votre site internet, vous devez vous assurer que son code HTML est optimum. Concretement, enter all types of strategies in the HTML code: balis titles, Hn balis, meta-descriptions of balises or “alt” attributes of images.
Comment faire apparaître sa page Facebook sur Google ?
Pour que votre page Facebook soit bien positionnée dans Google, vous devez faire en sorte d’obtenir de l’engagement. Cet involvement passe par les likes, comments, interaction autres qui ont lieu sur votre page, avec vos publications. C’est aussi le nombre de personnes qui adhèrent / suivent votre page.
Comment référencer un site web sur Internet ?
Pour bien referencer votre site internet, vous devez vous assurer que son code HTML est optimum. Concretement, enter all types of strategies in the HTML code: balis titles, Hn balis, meta-descriptions of balises or “alt” attributes of images.
Comment citer un site internet APA ?
Pour faire référence on the website, you don’t need to create a reference bibliography. Mention du nom du site et de son URL dans le texte suffit. Pour trouver le nom de l’auteur ou de l’organization, il suffit de se rendre sur la page «â € â € à proposâ €» ou â € â € â € œcontact ”du page.
Comment citer d’un site Internet ?
Nom de l’auteur, Initiales. (Annee) The title of the page. Page title. Disponible sur: URL (Consulté le: Date).
Quels sont les principaux éléments à prendre en considération pour le référencement naturel ?
Nous allons donc Observer les 8 critères de référencement naturel àspecter en cette année 2022.
- Website architecture. …
- Le contenu et sa structure. …
- Title La balise. …
- Les liens participants (or backlinks) …
- Le «https» pour preuve de sécurité …
- La légitimité de votre domaine. …
- La vitesse du site web. …
- Les signaux sociaux.
Comment analyser le trafic de son site ?
Google Analytics is a free user data analytics service. Utilisé par des millions de site, est en effet uncontournable pour suivre le traffic web i avoir une vue d’ensemble de toutes les d’acquisition de visiteurs and leur comportement sur l’ensemble des pages d’un site internet.
Comment connaître la fréquentation d’un site internet? A complete, flexible and user-accessible website for the voting statistics in Google Analytics. Celui-ci vous permet de connaître le trafic sur votre site internet en temps réel, les pages vues, le taux de rebonds ainsi que les sources du trafic.
Est-ce que Google Analytics est gratuit ?
The free version of Google Analytics is extended, Sirloin, Web Analytics solution and an additional tool, and it is also a great grace for free. More versions of payante, dite Premium, est en revanche nettement moins bien connue. Google proposes en effet une version améliorée et payante de son outil.
Quels supports sont disponibles dans Google Analytics? Les support possibles sont les suivants: “recherche naturelle” (recherche gratuite), “cpc” (coût par clic, donc les liens commerciaux), “site reférent” (site reférent), “e-mail” (nom d’un support personnalisé créé par vos soins), “aucun” (le support correspondent aux accès directs).
Comment obtenir la certification Google Analytics ?
Il est disponible gratuitement sur le site Google Partners> Certifications> Analytics, il suffit de posséder un compte Google. Pour réussir, il est nécessaire d’obtenir 80% de bonnes réponses. La Certification est ensuite valable pour 18 mois.
Comment obtenir les certifications Google ?
Pour obtenir l’une descerts, le candidat doit valider 75% de bonnes réponses en maximum 2h. Néanmoins, pour être éligible, est necessaire de faire partie du Program Partenaire de Youtube or être un partenaire Google.
Comment obtenir la certification Google Adwords ?
Comment se déroule la Google Ads certification? Function available on the QCM website on the website of the Google platform, which is provided as a formation based on the output: Skillshop. Avant d’obtenir votre Certification, vous allez suivre un program de formation avant de passer des examens en ligne.
Comment se former à Google Analytics ?
The Analytics Academy publishes the gratuitement des cours en ligne sur Analytics et d’autres outils d’analyse des données. Vous pouvez utiliser cette plate-forme for the preparation of the staff examination Analytics, qui est reconnu dans l’ensemble du secteur.